Scarning Parish Council
Scarning is a thriving community that continues to evolve. The Parish Council consists of nine councillors, who meet on the third monday of the month in Scarning Village Hall to discuss a range of issues. Our meetings usually start at 7pm. All residents are warmly invited to attend our meetings.
​The Parish Council has many functions, but broadly speaking is responsible for the provision and maintenance of the two play areas on the Water Meadows; the maintenance of the Outdoor Fitness equipment on the Playing Field on Shipdham Lane, as well as the Zip Wire and outdoor table tennis table; the maintenance of the roadside verges in some parts of the parish; the provision of dog, litter and grit bins; the maintenance of some street lights (mostly in the older part of the parish); the maintenance of the church clock and the war memorial; and the repair and upkeep of bus shelters in the parish. The Parish Council has a budget this year of £44,000.
Scarning Parish Councillors
Councillors’ Registers of Interests are available on Breckland Council's website. When visiting their site, follow the link to 'Town & Parish Council Details M-Y'
Our current councillors are:-
Fiona Bradford (Chair)
Steve Bunn (Vice Chair)
Tim Abel
Melanie Blackburn
Charles Hewson
Helen Manning
Michael Steward
Our Breckland councillors are:
Lynda Turner - 07500818315
Paul Hewett
Are you interested in joining the Parish Council ?
Becoming a councillor is a rewarding and valued form of public service. Councillors contribute to the work of the Parish Council by:-
Seeking the best outcome to local issues
Putting forward ideas for better services
Responding to the needs and views of parishioners
Getting involved in decision making
Helping to make Scarning a better place to live
We usually meet on the third monday of every month. All our members are volunteers and if you are able to give up a small amount of time this is a rewarding opportunity to make a difference.
For more information, please contact the Parish Clerk
Tel: 07938001056

The Role of a Councillor
The councillors who make up the Parish Council are local people who provide a democratic voice on behalf of Scarning's residents.
Parish councillors are unpaid and do not receive an allowance. It is a voluntary role.
Councillors are elected to represent the interests of the local community as a whole and to promote a harmonious local environment. Councillors are elected for a period of four years. The last elections were in May 2023 (these were uncontested elections). When we have vacancies we are able to co-opt new members.
It is important for parish councils that local people stand as candidates to ensure the Council is made up of people who understand the issues and priorities for the area. The best councils are made up of a diverse range of local people, each bringing to the Council their own life experiences, local knowledge and passion for the area.
Becoming a parish councillor is a rewarding and valued form of public service. All councillors contribute to the work of the Parish Council by:
- Putting forward ideas for better facilities and services
- Responding to the needs and views of residents
- Seeking the best outcome to local issues
- Helping to make Scarning a better place to live
Councillors take decisions that affect the local area. This includes
- Play areas and play equipment
- Grants for local organisations
- Consultation on local planning
- Dog, litter and grit bins